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How Colorado Springs Schools Can Save Money by Using Mirror & Metal Shield to Prevent Tagging in Bathroom Stalls and on Bathroom mirrors

How Colorado Springs Schools Can Save Money by Using Mirror & Metal Shield to Prevent Tagging in Bathroom Stalls and on Bathroom mirrors

Graffiti. It looks unsightly, is expensive to repair, and makes parents and administration cringe. And for some reason it always shows up in school bathrooms. The main problem with graffiti is that once your school does find the money to invest in repairs, there’s no guarantee that nothing will happen to surfaces in the future. This creates a vicious cycle that’s just not conducive on a tight school budget. But that’s where anti-graffiti film comes in handy. Colorado Springs schools can use products like Mirror & Metal Shield to protect their bathrooms from being damaged by vandalism. Anti graffiti film works long-term, is reliable, tasteful, and, best of all, it’s affordable.

The Cost of Graffiti

Repairing damages from graffiti is an extremely burdensome expense that most schools can afford to incur. Deep scratching and acid etching can’t just be buffed out. And permanent marker is, well permanent. That means that most schools see no other option but to replace damaged fixtures. But installing entirely new furniture is expensive. And it’s not something that schools can afford every time a student or visitor decides to get a little carried away with expressing themselves.

Graffiti not only creates expenses for replacement, but it can also cost you your reputation. Graffiti is disturbing for students to see. And it can also give others the wrong message about your school. When your bathroom mirrors and stalls are scratched up or covered in gang tangs, drawings, or crude writing, it gives your school of feeling of being rundown and unsafe, and can also make administration look as if they’re negligent to these issues.

before and after mirror shield

An Affordable Alternative to Replacement

Anti graffiti film is a thick, durable film that’s designed to cover up existing graffiti and provide defense against future damage. It can be printed to look exactly like the surface on which it’s applied, making it impossible to detect. Once it’s installed, anti graffiti film protects the underlying surfaces from being ruined by harsh scratching or etching. If the film becomes damaged, it can be easily removed and replaced by a professional, making the surface look brand new again. For this reason, anti graffiti film is a more affordable alternative to replacement and also a long term solution.

Mirror and Metal Shield

We offer two kinds of anti graffiti films that are perfect for Colorado Springs schools, Mirror Shield and Metal Shield. Mirror Shield is perfect for renovating bathroom mirrors that are corroded or damaged by graffiti. And its counterpart, Metal Shield, can be used to restore restroom stalls that have been scratched or tagged. Combined together, these two films can give new life and shine to your school bathrooms, creating a new and clean looking environment for your staff and students.

Contact Us for Mirror and Metal Shield in Colorado Springs

Make issues of vandalism a thing of the past. Mirror and Metal Shield can eliminate the presence of graffiti in your Colorado Springs school. Call us today to schedule an appointment for installation.

Mike Kinsey is the Chief Operating Officer at Colorado Springs Window Film and has over a decade of experience installing window films of all types. He has overseen hundreds of window film installs in the Colorado Springs metro area, accounting for a total of over 250,000 square feet of film. His area of expertise ranges from residential to commercial and industrial applications and includes security, energy efficient, and decorative tinting. His background in construction and project management gives him the ability to plan for and execute virtually any size and type of project. Mike's product knowledge and attentiveness to detail sets him apart and has given him a reputation of one of the most trusted professionals in the industry. He is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.